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        Home > Service
        Pre sales
        (1) Help customers select equipment;
        (2) Guide the planning, site selection and other preliminary work of the production workshop;

        (3) Send engineers to the customers site for process and scheme design;

        On sale
        (1) Perfect quality management system and strict inspection of products before delivery.

        (2) Provide logistics information and strictly arrange delivery;

        After sale
        (1) Guide the fabrication of equipment foundation;
        (2) Provide after-sales installation and commissioning guidance;
        (3) Provide maintenance training services;
        (4) The professional after-sales team has sufficient spare parts reserves, which can meet the needs of customers in time.

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            1. 盐亭县| 布尔津县| 阿城市| 平遥县| 灌云县| 布尔津县| 皋兰县| 罗源县| 基隆市| 泸水县| 仙游县| 白玉县| 新泰市| 灵宝市| 聂荣县| 兴仁县| 分宜县| 错那县| 嘉义市| 新源县| 绥中县| 南川市| 诸城市| 邹平县| 凤城市| 文安县| 临汾市| 镇原县| 化州市| 潜山县| 呼和浩特市| 琼海市| 墨脱县| 赤壁市| 绥棱县| 米林县| 商都县| 宁晋县| 武清区| 友谊县| 海口市| http://444 http://444 http://444