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        Remote control double flap grab
        Remote control double flap grab
        The remote control grab is a novel grab which is used to control the opening of a single cable crane through a wireless remote control transmitter. It does not need external energy. It can automatically close with the lifting of the hook on the pile, and can automatically open at any position in the air and stop at any time. There is a storage battery inside the grab, which controls the opening and closing of the grab by controlling the opening and closing of the solenoid valve. The grab does not need any other power supply, which is green. As a new invention of mechatronics, this grab is very popular with users. Its birth rewrites the history of low efficiency of single rope grab in the lifting and transportation industry. The remote control grab is generally composed of upper bearing beam assembly, sliding seat assembly, lower bearing beam assembly, bucket body, strut and oil cylinder. Among them, there are pulley blocks connected with the crane in the upper bearing beam assembly and sliding seat assembly, and the cylinder and piston rod of the oil cylinder are respectively connected with the lower bearing beam assembly and sliding seat assembly. The sliding seat can slide up and down under the action of the crane, driving the lower bearing beam to lift together, thus driving the grab to close; Through the remote control, the lower bearing beam and the sliding seat are separated, so as to control the opening of the grab.

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