1. <u id="txpj8"></u>
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      1. 網(wǎng)站導(dǎo)航
        Straw bag clamp


        The most commonly used lifting appliance is the hook, and others include lifting rings, lifting suction cups, clamps and lifting beams. Lifting suction cups, clamps and lifting beams can be used as special lifting appliances on cranes for a long time, and can also be used as replaceable auxiliary lifting appliances hanging on hooks for temporary use. They are commonly used in multi cargo warehouses and storage yards to improve operation efficiency. The lifting appliance for grabbing bulk materials is generally a grab with jaw plate that can be opened and closed, and electromagnetic suction cups can also be used to absorb magnetic materials such as metal chips. The commonly used lifting appliances for lifting liquid materials are buckets and buckets. Generally, the molten steel or chemical solution is discharged by tilting or bottom plug, and the liquid materials such as concrete are discharged by opening the bottom door of the bucket.

          The most commonly used lifting appliance is the hook, and others include lifting rings, lifting suction cups, clamps and lifting beams. Lifting suction cups, clamps and lifting beams can be used as special lifting appliances on cranes for a long time, and can also be used as replaceable auxiliary lifting appliances hanging on hooks for temporary use. They are commonly used in multi cargo warehouses and storage yards to improve operation efficiency. The lifting appliance for grabbing bulk materials is generally a grab with jaw plate that can be opened and closed, and electromagnetic suction cups can also be used to absorb magnetic materials such as metal chips. The commonly used lifting appliances for lifting liquid materials are buckets and buckets. Generally, the molten steel or chemical solution is discharged by tilting or bottom plug, and the liquid materials such as concrete are discharged by opening the bottom door of the bucket.

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            1. 东辽县| 弋阳县| 化隆| 赤壁市| 巩留县| 岳池县| 潢川县| 霍州市| 忻州市| 徐水县| 德安县| 沂南县| 仲巴县| 高安市| 普宁市| 新丰县| 湘乡市| 大名县| 乐都县| 连平县| 汉川市| 灵川县| 长兴县| 镇平县| 治多县| 上林县| 梅河口市| 兰州市| 大庆市| 荣昌县| 措美县| 济宁市| 偃师市| 灵宝市| 盐津县| 黑水县| 平罗县| 久治县| 富平县| 同心县| 孟村| http://444 http://444 http://444