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        Abrasion and management of grab
        發(fā)表時(shí)間:2022-01-14 15:41:16
          Abrasive wear is the common fault of the grab in the process of use. According to the analysis of relevant data, it can be found that about 40% of the failure forms of the grab lose its working performance due to tip wear, and about 30% of the grab lose its working performance due to the wear of the bucket edge.
          The use of grab is frequent. In addition, the operation level of its operator is limited, and the failure rate of grab is very high. Therefore, in the process of daily spot inspection, it is necessary to strengthen the inspection of these parts and do a good job in the maintenance of these parts.
          In order to better manage the grab, so as to ensure its production and safety, effectively according to the design, the use of the grab, the composition of personnel for equipment maintenance and repair, its work scope and work procedures.
          When the grab is in use, the shift leader needs to timely arrange the grab to refuel every day, and arrange the upper bearing beam of the grab to refuel every Monday and Thursday. In case of special circumstances, it is allowed to be postponed for one day, and then effectively record the situation in the duty log.
          The grab needs to meet its standard when refueling, so as to ensure its sufficient lubrication to a certain extent. If refueling is not available, it needs to be recorded in time and effectively reported to the spot inspection personnel or the technical personnel in charge. It is required to make a record of each refueling in the operation log.
          The grab driver needs to actively accept the opinions of the refueling supervisor when refueling. The floating crane reminds the driver that in the process of operation, it is necessary to effectively avoid the occurrence of accidents such as the grab rubbing against the cabin, and prevent similar events caused by wrong operation methods.

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