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        The structure of hydraulic grab and the harm of leakage
        發(fā)表時(shí)間:2022-01-14 15:32:59
          During the design process, the hydraulic grab is equipped with its opening and closing structure. Generally, its hydraulic oil cylinder will be used for effective driving. The hydraulic grab is composed of multiple jaw plates in the processing process, which is also called hydraulic claw. Such products are widely used, For example, we see hydraulic lifting towers and hydraulic excavators in our daily life.
          The hydraulic grab can be divided into rotary and non rotary situations in the process of use. Generally, the non rotary grab is used more in the excavator. There is no need to add pipelines and hydraulic valves in the process of operation. The grab brought back needs to add pipelines for effective control.
          When in use, the hydraulic grab is very suitable for loading and excavation in some restricted and ditch space. Such products are widely used in the loading and unloading of trains, cars and ships. The product itself is not equipped with its opening and closing structure. Generally, it is driven by ropes.
          During the use of the hydraulic grab, the oil temperature may rise. In this case, the working efficiency of the whole equipment system will directly decline, so that the leakage probability of the equipment will increase continuously during the operation, which will reduce the grab force of the grab.
          If the hydraulic grab is unstable in the operation process, it will directly affect the safe use of the equipment. In this way, the working efficiency of the grab will be reduced. The leakage of the equipment will also lead to the normal matching clearance of its original parts, which will directly lead to the increase of its friction and the jamming of the hydraulic valve in the equipment.
          The leakage of the hydraulic grab will also directly lead to the cavitation of its hydraulic components. In this way, the rubber sediment formed by the oxidation of oil in the equipment will directly block its hydraulic valve, which will also lead to the failure of its hydraulic system.

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