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        Maintenance of hydraulic grab and reasons for line failure
        發(fā)表時間:2022-01-14 15:23:23
          If the hook locking device or lifting height limiter in the equipment fails or is damaged during the use of the hydraulic grab, such a device cannot be used. The hooks in the equipment can be effectively classified according to their shapes during the use.
          The hook on the hydraulic grab can also be directly divided into forging hook, piece hook, casting hook, etc. at present, the forged single hook is often used. The single hook made of carbon alloy steel and low carbon steel must not be used during the use of the equipment.
          When the hydraulic grab is in use, if the equipment line does not supply power, such a situation may be due to the lack of power. At this time, it is necessary to go to the power supply unit for understanding in time. If the circuit has poor contact, such a situation is more dangerous and needs to be repaired in time.
          This is that we need to cut off the power supply of the hydraulic grab, and then solve the problem of poor contact in the equipment circuit. Excessive voltage in the equipment will directly cause the start of its protection device. At this time, we need to solve the problem of excessive voltage in time, and then set the switch right.
          During the operation of the hydraulic grab, the operation intensity is very large, so the maintenance of the equipment will be very important. Before the operation of the equipment, it is necessary to timely check whether the joint of the grab is damaged or loose. If such a situation occurs, it needs to be handled in time.

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