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        Principle, characteristics and application scope of hydraulic grab method
        發(fā)表時間:2022-01-14 15:20:58

        In recent years, with the renewal and development of construction machinery and equipment and the continuous improvement of technology, cast-in-situ reinforced concrete diaphragm wall combined with civil reverse construction method, supplemented by enclosure support system, has become a mature deep foundation pit construction method, which is more reasonable in technology and economy, providing conditions for the development of underground engineering to a deeper and wider space. Hydraulic grab is one of them. Today, I will tell you about the principle, characteristics and scope of application of hydraulic grab method.

        1、 Principle
        1. After the guide wall is built on both sides of the longitudinal axis of the underground diaphragm wall, the trench is excavated in sections.
        2. Prepare high-quality mud and inject it into the tank section retaining wall.
        3. After the groove is formed, the prefabricated reinforcement cage shall be installed in the groove section.
        4. The underwater concrete is poured into the wall by the conduit reverse top method.

        5. The adjacent wall sections are connected into an integral cast-in-situ reinforced concrete continuous wall in the form of joints.

        2、 Characteristics
        1. The underground diaphragm wall is excavated into a groove in sections, high-quality mud wall protection, automatic positive measurement and deviation correction, good integrity, flat wall surface and high verticality.
        2. According to the thickness of the wall, the corresponding joint form is adopted, and the underwater concrete is poured into the wall, which has strong impermeability, shear resistance and bending resistance.
        3. Reliable construction of nearby buildings (structures) and maximize the use of construction land.
        4. Equipped with microcomputer control system, the grooving has a high degree of automation, measuring and correcting the deviation with excavation, and the grooving quality is reliable.

        5. The construction has high mechanization, low labor intensity, less construction personnel and high efficiency.

        3、 Scope of application
        Under various engineering geological conditions except medium and slightly weathered bedrock, the retaining wall or structural wall of underground buildings (structures) and hydraulic structures shall be constructed.

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