1. <u id="txpj8"></u>
      <i id="txpj8"></i>
      1. 網(wǎng)站導(dǎo)航
        Scissor grab


        The scissor grab extends the ends of the two jaw plates near the hinge point into a rope type force adding arm, and the two arms share a common one called the central hinge point. The opening action of the scissor grab depends on loosening the steel wire rope of the pulley block at the scissor arm and tightening the support rope. The closing action depends on tightening the steel wire rope of the pulley block and using the lever principle to increase the force, so that the jaw plate closes and grabs the material, and its closing torque gradually increases with the closing process. When grabbing the material, it is clean and does not leak material, It is mostly used in large bridge ship unloaders.



          1. <u id="txpj8"></u>
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            1. 蓬莱市| 清水县| 临颍县| 颍上县| 平谷区| 尤溪县| 彭州市| 大港区| 金昌市| 井陉县| 永吉县| 遂昌县| 乐陵市| 大渡口区| 云梦县| 宜兰县| 绵阳市| 沙洋县| 新龙县| 罗山县| 绥滨县| 宁强县| 于都县| 崇明县| 崇义县| 定日县| 林芝县| 邯郸市| 油尖旺区| 新乡县| 灵川县| 曲麻莱县| 阜平县| 阳泉市| 石台县| 永泰县| 鹤岗市| 德庆县| 新疆| 来凤县| 邯郸县| http://444 http://444 http://444